About Our Journey


The evolutionary journey of KBS Collaborative has often felt like

taking the road less travelled.

And we wouldn’t have it any other way.



The Beginning

A story from our Founder, Kim Sturm

”My passion for humans & animals was the basis for this agency.  I had been 'grinding' within the Social Work world for over 10 years. Though the work was fulfilling to my spirit, the grueling hours and difficult case loads were starting to take a toll on my wellbeing. And sadly, even in such a demanding burnout-heavy industry, Social Work is not compensated well. It felt like a daily struggle to pay the bills and at the same time enjoy life to it's fullest. I knew something had to change. I took a leap of faith and left my 9-5 job to seek clarity, shift my priorities and develop an action plan towards how I could REALLY help the dementia and psychiatric communities.

KBS Collaborative was a 5-year evolution of thought and vision that finally come to fruition in 2011 in San Diego, CA. I was so lucky to find fiduciaries and families who supported my mission and things took off quite rapidly. In just 8 years, this organization has developed into far more than I could have ever dreamed.”



The Here + Now

Though KBS Collaborative continues to evolve every day, we are always guided by our core Mission — to provide holistic, innovative, breakthrough care plans for the Memory Impairment and Psychiatric communities of San Diego County.

It’s imperative for our entire team that we execute these plans with the utmost respect. We sought out the best of the best to join the KBSC team - focused on the strengths of compassion, discipline, great communication skills and larger-than-life personalties for my Care Management team.  As a core part of our innovative services, we also have two therapy dogs on staff that assist with our hard-to-reach clients and provide unconditional love to all.  

We take on cases that other agencies won’t even consider and are so humbled to say that our success rate is 100%.

In addition to our on-staff therapy dogs, we have rescued countless animals from the streets of Mexico + Guatemala and integrated them into the lives of seniors with dementia and dual-diagnosis. It's pure magical therapy for all involved. 

In solidarity with our animal rescue partners, a percentage of KBSC profits are donated to Castraciones Guaus & Miaus Guatemala.

They offer free spay & neuter campaigns throughout remote areas in Guatemala in order to assist with overpopulation & suffering of homeless animals.  They also hold seminars in Guatemalan schools to help the next generation develop compassion for animals, the environment and other people, based on empathy, understanding and respect.

The bottom line is that we believe in a life well-lived for all beings.

Humans and animals alike — We believe in treating them well and providing the quality of life that we all deserve.



Future Vision

We’ve got big plans for the future of KBSC! It’s our vision to create an innovative combination Assisted Living Facility / Animal Rescue that will be unlike anything available in San Diego today. It will feature horticulture, animal therapies, quality farm-to-table cuisine, inter-generational programming, community involvement and work/trade living opportunties for the underpriviledged.

If you are interested in supporting this vision, we’d love to connect with you.

Please contact us to explore the possibilities: info@kbscollaborative.com
