Memory Impairment + Hospice

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If there is one thing we know about the unpredictable world of Memory Impairment care management…

it takes a village.


We have encountered so many individuals who were the sole caregiver for their loved one, selflessly absorbing the responsibility for this difficult task. But it cannot and should not be done alone. We are here to relieve that burden by providing care management assistance.

More accurately, we are here to become part of the family. Our availability, patience, compassion and expertise are unsurpassed.

We are well-known for our reputation in masterfully assisting long-distance families who reside away from their impaired loved one. They will never be alone, and you will never be in the dark again.

For the team at KBS Collaborative, our foremost priority is our Clients’ quality of life. We want them to feel as proud as possible throughout this difficult disease process. We incorporate their life experiences, passions, hobbies, and interests into their individualized plan of care. As their loved one and connection to their previous life of independence, you are instrumental in assisting us with creating the perfect plan.

And because that ‘perfect plan’ can quickly change as memory impairment evolves, we proudly offer care 365 days a year.

Our innovative approach to care management utilizes specialized techniques that incorporate the well-being of the

whole individual.

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To begin our work together, we perform an initial in-person assessment and collaboratively develop a detailed plan of care, individualized for your loved one and all involved. Depending on your needs, this may be a one-time assessment with an immediate action plan or an on-going plan with a skillled Care Manager involved monthly, weekly or in times of crisis.

Whether is is 3 hours per month or 20 hours per week, our flexible team is here for you without restriction or limitation.

To learn more, connect with the team at
KBS Collaborative today: