Animal Assisted Therapy

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Just like all of the innovative offerings at KBS Collaborative, our Animal Therapy program consistently delivers to our Clients

improved health and elevated happiness.


For decades, science has measured and proven what our team has always known to be true - furry friends have the ability to dramatically improve wellness.

It’s insightful to peruse myriad studies on the correlation between Animal Therapy and marked increase in cognitive function.

As for our own in-the-field practice and observation, we witness countless benefits such as:

  • Socialization and “breaking the ice”

  • Sense of calm, comfort and safety

  • Motivation in behavioral therapies / education

  • Connection and decreased feelings of loneliness

  • Stabilization of emotions associated with diagnosis

It is such a joyful pleasure to facilitate the bond that is formed between our Clients and our on-staff Animal Caregivers, Taco + Goliath. Again and again, through this seemingly simple connection, we witness our Clients foster a renewed sense of self-worth, trust and unconditional love that perhaps they’ve been missing for too many years to count.

To learn more, connect with the team at
KBS Collaborative today: